A delightful surprise
I went to see Lucia Perillán primarily to find a non-drug solution for migraines, for support in quitting coffee, and to help me let go of sugar/flour binges (along with the support group I already attend). I have gone twice a month for four months and experienced a noticeable decrease in migraines: they are down
July 23, 2015
Es como cuando limpio mi casa
Eso de la "Acupuntura" para mi siempre fue algo en un idioma desconocido . . . ahora puedo decir que es un regalo más a mi vida; es una ciencia, un metodo muy positivo . . . como un toquecito a esa parte del circuito electrico de mi cuerpo que se ha adormitado y que
July 23, 2015
Joy and peace together are unexpected and wonderful
Thank you for showing me, with your presence, your words, your needles, that some part of me was safe and loved- that there was a part of me that had never been harmed. The gift of this memory and our work together has allowed me to return to this place with more facility and frequency
July 23, 2015